Course Description
Aviation Safety Officer Course: N2359V4 (CIN: C-4J-3302)
Target audience: Designated Naval aviators and Naval flight officers of the Navy and Marine Corps of the rank of LT/LCDR, USN and Capt/Maj, USMC. Exceptions shall be coordinated with the Director, Aviation Safety Programs, NAVPGSCOL. Students will be awarded the AMOS of 7596 upon graduation.
Purpose: To prepare safety officers at the squadron level to assist commanding officers in conducting an aggressive accident prevention program. When the SSO/ASO completes this course, they will be able to organize and administer an accident prevention program at the squadron level.
Course Description
Aviation Safety Command Course: N23GCG4 (CIN: C-4J-3301)
Target audience: Designated Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers of the rank of USN LCDR and USMC Maj and above who are Aviation Squadron CO's, XO's and OIC's, screened for Command and Major Aviation Staff Safety Officers. This course is not a formal aviation safety school for aviation safety officers in the sense of OPNAVINST 3750.6. Secret Security clearance is required.
Purpose: To prepare safety officers at the squadron level to assist Commanding Officers in conducting an aggressive accident prevention program. When the SSO/ASO completes this course, they will be able to organize and administer an Accident Prevention Program at the squadron level.
Course Description
Crew Resource Management Instructor Course (CIN: Q-050-1503)
Target Audience: O3/E5 and above, that have previously served in the capacity as a Crew Resource Management Facilitator. These personnel should have at least 12 months remaining at their current command and be nominated by their respective T/M/S Program Manager.
Purpose: A four-day course designed to meet the prerequisites for a Naval Aircrewman to be designated as a Crew Resource Management Instructor.
Request a Course Seat
To request a seat in either the Aviation Safety Officer or Aviation Safety Command Course, commands should forward completed student nomination forms up through the Aviation Safety Officers at each echelon of command. MAG ASOs will prioritize nominations within the MAG, then forward the nominations to Wing, which will prioritize the nominations before forwarding to their respective MARFOR (as applicable). MCICOM units (station H&HS), DCMA, MAWTS-1, VMX-1, and HMX-1 should send their nominations directly to CMC Safety Division.
The prioritized list of students from MARFORCOM, MARFORPAC, 4th MAW, and any units that submit directly to CMC Safety Division are due to Safety Division no later than 30 days prior to the course start date.
CMC Safety Division will register students for their respective course and provide funding documents 21 days prior to the course start date. The School of Aviation Safety will send administrative course information to register students approximately two weeks prior to the start of the course.
Visit the USMC Aviation Safety Section SharePoint to obtain course request forms.
Crew Resource Management Instructor (CRM-I) course allocations are managed by Type/Model/Series model managers, not CMC Safety Division. To request a CRM-I course seat, contact your respective T/M/S model manager (usually the T/M/S Fleet Replacement Squadron) NATOPS division.