Ground Climate Assessment Survey System (GCASS)
The GCASS is one part of CMC Safety Division's overall safety assessment program. GCASS is a proactive mishap prevention process that aids commanders and senior leadership in risk assessment and intervention strategy development. GCASS focuses on operations, maintenance, and other areas directly related to safety. The GCASS process involves collection of data from organizations by means of on-line survey measurement tools that quantify respondents' safety perceptions.
Ground Climate Assessment Survey System (GCASS)
Ground Surveys
Set up Unit Surveys
Ground Climate Assessment (GCA) Survey – Surveys Marines regarding perceptions of their organization’s safety climate
New O-5 / O-6 Commanders must have their units complete within 90 days of assumption of command
Annual Requirement for O-5 / O-6 Commands (waived in lieu of command culture workshops for second and subsequent years of command)
Higher Headquarters (HHQ) Survey – Surveys higher headquarters personnel regarding perceptions of their organizational safety climate, including:
Marine Forces Commands (Pacific, Reserve, Special Operations, etc)
Marine Corps Combat Development Command
Logistics, Systems, Recruiting, and Installations Command
MEF/MEB/MEU Commands
Division/Wing/Group Commands
Regiment/Aviation Group/Logistic Regiment Commands
Private Motor Vehicle (PMV) Survey – Surveys marines regarding perceptions of their personal PMV use and organizational PMV climate
Motorcycle Safety (MTRCYCL) Survey – Surveys Marines regarding their motorcycle activities
Drinking and Driving (D&D) Survey – Surveys Marines regarding perceptions of their D&D activities and organizational D&D climate
Off-Duty and Recreational Activity (OD&R) Survey – Surveys Marines regarding perceptions of their OD&R activities and organizational OD&R climate
Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Survey – Surveys Marine Corps occupational health and safety within a unit, installation, or activity
Master Labor Contract and Indirect Hire Agreement (MLC-IHA) Survey – Surveys Japanese foreign nationals employed by U.S. government regarding perceptions of their organizational safety climate
Korean Government Servant Survey – Surveys Korean foreign nationals employed by U.S. government regarding perceptions of their organizational safety climate
Marine Corps Aviation Survey System (MCASS)
The MCASS is one aspect of CMC Safety Division's overall safety assessment program. MCASS is a proactive mishap prevention process that aids aviation commanders and senior leadership in risk assessment and intervention strategy development. MCASS focuses on operations, maintenance, support personnel, and other areas directly related to aviation safety. The MCASS process involves collection of data from aviation organizations by means of on-line survey measurement tools that quantify respondents' safety perceptions.
Marine Corps Aviation Survey System (MCASS)
Aviation Surveys
Set up Unit Surveys
(3) Aviation Survey Components
Command Safety Assessment (CSA) Survey – Surveys Marine aviation aircrew regarding perceptions of their organizational safety climate
New O-5 / O-6 aviation commanders must have their units complete within 30 days of assumption of command
Annual Requirement for O-5 / O-6 Commands (waived in lieu of command culture workshops for second and subsequent years of command)
Maintenance Climate Assessment Survey (MCAS) – Surveys Marine aviation maintenance personnel regarding perceptions of their organizational safety climate
Administrative Support Personnel Assessment (ASPA) – Surveys Marine aviation support personnel regarding perceptions of safety climate
Note: To fulfill the requirement, aviation commands must provide all (3) surveys to the appropriate personnel within their command i.e. aircrew must take the Command Safety Assessment survey, maintenance personnel must take the Maintenance Climate Assessment Survey, and administrative personnel must take the Administrative Support Personnel Assessment survey. Together, these (3) survey results provide a wholistic snapshot of an aviation command's climate.
Additional SurveyS
Contractor (CTR) Maintenance Survey – Surveys contractor personnel regarding perceptions of their organizational safety climate
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Survey – Surveys ATC personnel regarding perceptions of their organizational safety climate
Survey Issue Papers
Advanced Survey Design (ASD), a contracted survey company, develops, administers, and analyses surveys for the Marine Corps via the Ground Climate Assessment Survey System (GCASS) and the Marine Corps Aviation Survey System (MCASS). They provide insightful analysis in the form of issue papers, that provide breakdowns and analysis of Marine responses to all ASD administered surveys for the Service. Issue papers are designed to spread the word on issues across the service and to encourage dialogue on relevant issues from higher headquarters to the lowest unit level.
Issue Paper Access
Issue papers contain controlled unclassified information (CUI) and access and dissemination of these papers is restricted to commanders and other authorized personnel designated by the commander.
GCASS Issue Papers
MCASS Issue Papers
Commanders are automatically provided access to ASD issue papers to review, assess, and enact meaningful climate and culture changes within their command. Commanders with participating commands are provided an access ID by ASD upon commencement of the survey to review survey results and issue papers.
Access to the contents of Issue Papers may be available by requesting access to ASD. Minimum requirements for access to survey information include:
Must be a current Service Member (active duty or reserve) or Federal Employee
Billet or position must be affiliated with the Marine Corps safety program or aviation safety program
Contact ASD Issue Paper Administrator for access:
Phone: 888-603-3170