Aviation Branch
CMC Safety Logo
Commandant of the Marine Corps Safety Division
Marines Take Care of Their Own


Approach Magazine

Approach magazine’s goal is to help ensure personnel can devote their time and energy to the mission. We believe there is only one way to do any...


Summer Safety Brief

General Eric M. Smith, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, delivers a message about summer safety, May 9, 2023. (U.S. Marine Corps video by...


Who we are

The Aviation Safety Branch manages flight and flight-related safety programs, coordinates with the Deputy Commandant for Aviation (DCA) staff and Naval Safety Command (NSC). Additionally, the branch establishes liaison with the operational forces’ safety offices, provides guidance, establishes policies, provides clarification of orders and requirements, facilitates requests, and monitors compliances. Finally, the branch also manages radiation and LASER safety.


Work Phone: 703-604-4122

Email: hqmc_safety_division@usmc.mil



Work Phone: 703-604-4367

Email: hqmc_safety_division@usmc.mil

Work Phone: 703-604-4221
Work Phone: 703-604-4149

Email: hqmc_safety_division@usmc.mil