Command Culture Workshops (CCW)
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Commandant of the Marine Corps Safety Division
Marines Take Care of Their Own
Program Description

The purpose of the Command Culture Workshop (CCW) program is to provide commanders with immediate and accurate feedback regarding their unit’s morale, cultural health and overall readiness. The three-day evolution gives a commanding officer an immediate assessment of their unit's overall operational culture and climate. This assessment is developed by qualified facilitators who carefully interview and listen to the unit’s members. The workshops identify a command’s strengths as well as any potential hazards to mission accomplishment. Using the workshop’s findings, unit leaders can capitalize on those identified strengths, while simultaneously focusing on those areas and issues that require improvement. The goal of the workshop is to assist commanders achieve operational excellence by further developing the positive behaviors that lead to warfighting success.

The CCW program fulfills the annual O-5 / O-6 command requirement for any of the following command climate surveys:

  • Ground Climate Assessment Survey System (GCASS)

  • Marine Corps Aviation Survey System (MCASS)

  • Maintenance Climate Assessment Survey (MCAS)

  • Administrative Support Personnel Assessment (ASPA)

Note: CCW Facilitator travel comes at no cost to the requesting command.

Target Audience

Workshops are available to O-5 / O-6 level commands in their second and subsequent years in command (in lieu of command climate surveys) throughout the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), i.e. Command Elements (CEs), Ground Combat Elements (GCE), Aviation Combat Elements (ACE), and Logistics Combat Elements (LCE).

Note: O-5 / O-6 commanders must complete the applicable command climate survey in their first year of command within 90 days of assumption of command. This survey sets a command baseline from which all other surveys, assessments, or workshops can be compared.

How to Request a Workshop

Request a workshop six to eight weeks prior to proposed workshop dates via email request to both:

CCW Email:

CMC SD Email:

Note: Requests received less than six weeks out will be considered but are less likely to be supportable by the CCW facilitator cadre.


1. Provide CCW facilitator command access over three consecutive days

2. Provide a point of contact, with direct support of the commanding officer, to coordinate and assist the CCW facilitators

3. Provide classroom space free from distractions, capable of seating a minimum of 15 CCW participants

4. Provide a computer and an overhead projector with a screen, white board, markers and eraser, or flipchart with markers for CCW facilitator use during the workshop

5. Provide access to a computer with printer access for workshop materials

6. Participants of the following groups of Marines (from every shop/unit/element across the command):

a. (2) workshops of (8) - (15) E1 - E3 Marines

b. (2) workshops of (8) - (15) E4 - E5 Marines

c. (1) workshops of (8) - (15) E6 - E8 Marines

d. (1) workshops of (8) - (15) junior officers (not to include company/battery commanders)

e. (1) Workshop of Senior Leadership of Command (CCW Debrief to Commander/Leadership)

Note: Plan for workshops to last 2.5 hours for all participants involved.

For full details and requirements for Command Culture Workshops (CCW) refer to MCO 5100.29C, Volume 1, Chapter 6, Enclosure (1), Command Culture Workshop Program'