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CMC Safety Division


CMC Safety Division

Marines Take Care of Their Own


The Marine Corps Executive Force Preservation Board (EFPB) - was convened by the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), and is chaired by the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps (ACMC). The EFPB develops reduction strategies for both on- and off-duty mishaps to enhance both unit and individual readiness and ensure that our Corps remains ready to answer our Nation’s call. The ACMC directs appropriate staff sections to assist in the development and implementation of policies and programs recommended by the board.

 - Executive Force Preservation Board Charter

Promote a comprehensive Force Preservation culture that enhances operational capability while protecting and conserving critical resources. Our personnel are our most important asset and deserve our proactive preventive focus.

  1. Establish policies and recommend initiatives to improve safety programs and enhance readiness.
  2. Set goals and chart a course for the Marine Corps Safety Campaign Plan.
  3. Identify safety programs and analyze training budgets.